Discover and monitor all application system dependencies and relationships

Deploy monitoring

Monitor Performance at Every Layer of the Application Technology Stack

Deploy monitoring for infrastructure, middleware, applications, back-end systems and more, tying each layer together in a holistic view of performance.

Interactive performance tuning

Visualize a Complete Service Map for each application

Map and visualize the relationships between individual services and end-to-end performance, allowing interactive performance tuning to take place in any part of the map.

Identify and Tune the Slowest Application Requests

A holistic view of performance

Capture an End-to-End Distributed Trace for Every Request

Automatically capture a trace across each service and infrastructure component, from the users’ browsers to back-end storage and transaction systems.
Deploy monitoring for infrastructure, middleware, applications, back-end systems and more, tying each layer together in a holistic view of performance.

Upgrades servers across multiple locations

Software Distribution

The Endpoint Management solution reduces the burden on your IT staff by automatically carrying out software distributions and software upgrades to Windows, Mac and Linux computers and servers across multiple locations.

Allowing interactive performance tuning

Visualize a Complete Service Map for each application

Map and visualize the relationships between individual services and end-to-end performance, allowing interactive performance tuning to take place in any part of the map.

Consolidate various performance metrics into a single pane to give your business valuable information

React on environment changes

Valuable business metrics on a single dashboard for everyone in your organisation to consume

Custom dashboards and alerts so that business can pro-actively react on changes in all environments including IT and transactional information


React on environment changes

Using APM methodologies to combine all the performance monitoring toolset

Visualize your toolsets to give a view of compatibility and how these tools communicate with each other in a single design.